We aim to expose the spiritual decay and misguided efforts that are transforming The Westminster Schools into an academy of progressive activism.  Our hope is that by opening eyes to its decline, Westminster’s alumni and parents will engage to reclaim the school’s heritage of academically exceptional Christian education.

Our Beliefs

In a world that cries for peace amid confusion, we aim to encourage stable and sound principles. Here are a few that have defined our mission at Wokeminster:

We don’t object to inclusivity; we are opposed to woke fanaticism and narrow-mindedness. To be inclusive means including both physical and thought diversity—both of which are hallmarks of a truly liberal education. 

We believe inclusivity demands both truth and loveBuilding on a foundation of theological truth with love toward others is the only sure path to healthy identity and relationships.

We act on the truth that each individual as an “image bearer” of God, and not as a member of a sexual, racial, or economic collective. While those factors are part of a person’s unique story, they don’t determine human potential.

We love others authentically—nurturing intellect, athletic prowess, artistic talent and noble character.

We believe in the American experiment. The founding principles and enterprising spirit that built our nation provide the best soil for growing a healthy society.

We know that forcing others to affirm worldviews they don’t share is a divisive and evil enterprise. Therefore, we condemn efforts to redefine language and eliminate dissent through groupthink and indoctrination.

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