What Has Happened to the School?



Westminster has been slowly transformed by wokeism.
Activists have dismantled its Christian heritage to build an elite indoctrination compound.

Wokeism includes

  • Primacy of race and privilege in all matters
  • Demotion of Christianity from redemptive religion to social work
  • Critical Race Theory (CRT), specifically its principles in practice
  • Repudiation of traditional norms of sex and gender in dress and behavior
  • U.S. history as exploitation rather than foundation of Democracy
  • Imposing different achievement standards (usually by race) for access to higher education, jobs, and professions 
  • Cultural Nihilism – there are no absolute values on which to base meaning, purpose, or moral principles 


How to recognize Wokeism (it is often disguised)

The easiest way is to be alert to commonly used “woke” words and phrases. These are usually common, neutral words anyone might use but which have been given new, alternative (non-dictionary) meanings not appreciable by outsiders:

  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) =Institutional personnel dedicated to promoting Wokeism through recruitment, hiring, and training seminars.
  • Diversity=Promotion of “oppressed people” (e.g. POC, women, LGBTQ+) into institutional positions with performance qualifications of secondary importance to Group Identity
  • Equity=Equal outcomes for All in the Marxist sense
  • White=Of European ethnicity along with its family, social, and intellectual values
  • BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) =Resurrected and expanded phrase for non-”white” people 
  • Racist =Anyone who objects to “woke” social prescriptions 
  • Privilege =Unearned (and so undeserved) social advantage (but mainly in “white” people)
  • Pride =Celebration and Promotion of non-heterosexual relationships and activity
  • Anti-racism = Reverse racism to penalize merit-based outcomes
  • Affinity (Group) =Re-segregation by race, religion, and/or sexual interests
  • Identity =membership in a particular racial or sexual activity group
  • Narrative = The story shared by a group about Reality rather than Reality itself
  • Social Justice = The redistribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society along Woke principles
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