Having scrapped the traditional distinctions of male and female graduation gown colors, it’s not surprising to find that the new Upper School principal holds to the same gender-expansive ideology embraced by Keith Evans.

What is surprising is just how long she’s been at it.  Even in the late 1990’s, before “Gender Queer” made its way into Westminster’s library,  Ms. Small wrote about “reinventing” the traditional definitions of sex and gender.  Her beliefs are based primarily on the fact that for the first few weeks of pregnancy, male and female embryos look alike.

We understand this gestational stage to be the imprint of a Creator whose design “platform” shares elements and pattens used across creation, including that of other animals and plants.  In her paper, Ms. Small used this to find a way out of the gender binary, which is pervasive in creation with exceedingly rare exceptions.

One excerpt from her paper is particularly revealing, and calls into question her own appeals to science to find crumbs to support a gender expansive ideology.

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