According to Keith Evans, Emilie Henry and the Board, Westminster had a banner year for fundraising.  Many grandparents, recalling the beautiful years they spent on campus, are happy to reflexively give large sums each year, including tuition payments for grandchildren.

Many grandparents aren’t on Instagram and didn’t learn about the perverse and mindless campus activity that younger parents heard about last year.  They gave Westminster money from their virtuous intentions and genuine desire to support a campus they love. Westminster, which has no regard for legacies, increasingly attracts people who are content to steer the ship on the same destructive course

You won’t see much, if any, coverage of Westminster’s LGBTQIA and antiracism agenda in the magazine you receive in the mail.  You’ll see sports updates, pictures of smiling alumni at gatherings, and coverage of the expensive new buildings. Most people glance through and think how lovely and impressive the campus must be; children there surely must be thriving, just as you did.

That isn’t what’s really. happening, though.  The magazine and the Instagram accounts run by the school function as propaganda arms for the school.  Under the surface, there is a deep commitment to changing your children and grandchildren into the kind of people who will vote the way they do, approve the things they do, and be activists for causes that you, as donors, would never support.

As donors, you are handing Keith Evans and his team of hand-picked, NAIS-approved progressives cash to transform a Christian school into an academy of far-left monoculture.  This is the culture of people who say there are 42 genders and have moved on from feminism to transgenderism. This is the culture that says our skin color and sexual identity are the most important things about us, and they must divide us. This is just a subset of the ruling elites that want to destroy our country.

Will you be party to this same destruction here in Buckhead? Your donations are fulfilling the vision of people who do not share your values or care what you think.

Your legacy is not made by glad-handing and clinking glasses with the 1951 Circle or the Pressly Society. Posterity will not recall your prestige or even your children’s diploma; they will recall your character–your courage and your commitment to truth.  History’s heroes were not made through cowardly compromises. They are heroes because they did hard things.

Click on this link to see the list of donors (the password is “MOMENTS”), and let your donor friends know about Wokeminster (and our Twitter account).  Perhaps they won’t be fooled next time Westminster comes knocking for money.



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