Wokeminster loves asking students if they might be transgender.  Their sneaky way of doing this is to give surveys with so many gender options that the biological male and female categories are actually only a fraction of the possibilities.

The surveys overstep parental boundaries and cover topics that are not appropriate.  They subtly separate children from parents and establish a private dialogue about very personal topics.

Recently, Upper School students received such a survey, administered by Authentic Connections, in advisory.  It included other mental health topics as well. Of course, one must always expect depression in students, considering how truly depressing the school has become due to Covid obsession, borderless sexuality, and the general doom and gloom of leftist life.

Wokeminster plants the seeds of mental health woes through their own dreary efforts.  After doing their damage, Wokeminster’s leaders act like they are going to now go “fix” the problems they stir up through their woke identity work.

Shown below are a few questions (some in phone format, some in laptop format) that are examples of how the school steps over parental boundaries:   




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