Wokeminster loves asking students if they might be transgender. Their sneaky way of doing this is to give surveys with so many gender options that the biological male and female...
Your Generous Gifts Fund Woke Sexuality and Racism
According to Keith Evans, Emilie Henry and the Board, Westminster had a banner year for fundraising. Many grandparents, recalling the beautiful years they spent on campus, are...
New Upper School Head’s Paper on “Reinventing Sex”
Having scrapped the traditional distinctions of male and female graduation gown colors, it's not surprising to find that the new Upper School principal holds to the same...
Once Again, Wokeminster Provides Nine Gender Options
Last year, we were told of a Wokeminster student survey that offered nine gender options. As it turns out, 2022 is no different, with yet another "pick your gender" survey. The...
Librarians Must Be Held Accountable, Too.
Westminster's librarians aren't just looking for sexual sleaze from the Young Adult fiction genre. They are also happy to provide antiracist materials, such as Ibram X Kendi's...
NEW from the Wokemaster: Valequitorians
I want to apologize to everyone in DEI Leadership that we were not sensitive enough to catch the trigger oppression inherent in our regressive tradition of naming a “Boy” and a...