Are you warming at the fires of Marxism? Are your desires for good things leading you to fulfill them in repackaged poisons? Or, are you just the proverbial frog in the boiling...
Westminster announced an upcoming seminar for white people. Don't try to attend the upcoming White Parents Confronting Racism event unless you identify as white. That's...
NEW from The Wokemaster
Don’t Panic! OK, OK. A few parents and grandparents finally figured out what we’ve been doing for years—Damn the Pandemic—and, maybe even with some inside help—Woe to them when...
More Library Reading Material
An example of the reading materials that are selected for the "Christian" school. Good luck figuring out the bisexual/lesbian/storyline!
Keith Evans’ Response to Wokeminster
President Keith Evans responded to the content of the Wokeminster site. We would love to know which specific items he has found to be "untrue," although he acknowledges that the...
English Teacher Shows “How to Be an Ally” Video
In Ms. Cummings Upper School English class, students learned about how to be an "ally." The "English" teacher showed this video. Check your privilege!