Why are you all hiding behind anonymity?


This effort is not a game for us. We have not researched these facts for political reasons or to advance any cause other than the Truth, our mainstream Christian faith, and the futures of our children and grandchildren.

Many of us have no issue with identifying ourselves, but others, particularly those younger and with children at the school, are afraid of the probable retribution. All of us know parents who have spoken up and been ignored, publicly rebuked, called names, and/or had their children dropped from or not admitted to the school.

In fact, vitriol from the small minority that embraces extreme, progressive ideology has prevented constructive dialogue.

Our hope is that enough parents, teachers, grandparents, donors and even Board members will look at what the school is actually doing and say, “Enough. We are in fact the majority, and this indoctrination must stop.” Then, those concerned about the school’s retribution will have enough “cover” to step out.



Isn’t this a hateful and divisive approach? The leadership is just trying to make sure everyone feels welcomed and loved.


Loving children includes defending them from lies and dangerous ideologies. By redefining terms such as “love” and “inclusion,” Westminster avoids an honest accounting of its worldview. Its hyper-sexualized, self-absorbed and racist approach to human identity is completely incompatible with the Christian faith.

Welcoming someone does not mean that you must celebrate, promote, or affirm their beliefs. It does not require that others celebrate or affirm their beliefs.  It does mean that you treat them with the unselfish kindness and dignity demanded of those who are followers of Christ.



Westminster is an inclusive Christian school. In fact, many churches are including the LGBTQ and anti-racism movements in their teachings.


There is no such thing as “inclusive” Christianity as defined by the progressive and heretical theologians who advance this idea. Jesus himself announced that there was one way to please God, and that one way is through faith in obedience to Jesus Christ. The teachings of both the antiracism movement and the gender-expansive LGBTQIA+ movement embrace a false gospel with no reference to God. Westminster’s founding Christian principles are not compatible with the woke religion.


Why don’t you just go start or attend another school?


Westminster has been hijacked by misguided leaders who decided to unhitch it from its founding principles. They have slowly redefined language to pervert and politicize its mission. Its increasingly far-left leadership has taken advantage of the complacency and goodwill of parents and alumni.

Instead of idly permitting the school’s total destruction, we will fight to restore a healthy leadership and sensible course. If the leaders want to found a school based on progressive social justice,  they should go start a new school.


What is wrong with making the school “Anti-racist”?


The term “anti-racist” is a rhetorical trick used to disguise the fact that its practitioners believe there is good racism to offset bad racism, and that only white people are capable of the “bad” racism. It’s part of an ideology that takes us back in time, when racists openly shamed and segregated people . We believe that emphasizing our common humanity, not our differences,  carries us forward in a positive and constructive fashion.


What do you have against equity? “Wildcats for Equity” is a great slogan!


The term “equity” has been hijacked by the social justice crowd to now commonly mean equality of outcome. You can have equality of opportunity or equality of outcome, but not both. We simply believe as MLK Jr. did that people “should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.”


What’s wrong with teaching the truth about our nation’s history and its treatment of blacks?


We believe that accurately teaching the facts of American history, including its shameful participation in the dehumanizing of blacks, is essential. We believe that teaching about the horrific abuses of authoritarian, Marxist and Communist regimes should be taught as well. We object to teaching history through the warped lens of Critical Race Theory, which assumes motives, invents narratives, and pronounces guilt on an entire race of people based on their genetic makeup.


Why are you calling everything “woke”?  Isn’t that term being overused?


The term “woke” certainly does apply to a lot of things nowadays.  Many failed social justice ideas have escaped their university insane asylums and and now hide behind the humorous language of wokeism.  Academic radicals use it to guilt people into silence as they quietly burn down everything they despise about America.  Thanks to a massive cartel of leftist organizations, their Critical Race Theory playbook has forced its way into schools. From indigenous land acknowledgements to building a genderless utopia, wokeism is a real thing.

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