President Keith Evans responded to the content of the Wokeminster site. We would love to know which specific items he has found to be “untrue,” although he acknowledges that the site, even in his eyes, contains truthful information.
Where did we get our information? From many good sources: from the campus, classroom materials, Wokeminster’s own web site, library, and newspaper, other media organizations, tax forms, parents, teachers, curriculum providers, and conferences that Wokeminster pays for its teachers to attend, We invite specific examples that he considers “untrue.”
We have identified changes that occurred since the evidence first appeared. For example, the library online catalog has removed some of the titles. However, the school has not indicated that the individual who approved and stocked the library’s purchases will be held accountable, nor has the school publicly denounced the content and content provider.
In addition, the Wokeminster web site has been a word of mouth effort. No school directory or email list using school emails was used in publicizing the site, as has been alleged.
Our own beliefs dictate that the content on this site be factual information that we believe parents should know about the institution to which they are entrusting their children. This includes any concerning details about actions, expressed opinions and close associations of the leadership and faculty.
While the head of school calls some content “misleading,” it is only objectionable because it is leading readers to facts, and not to the carefully worded deception that Wokeminster would prefer.