Are you warming at the fires of Marxism? Are your desires for good things leading you to fulfill them in repackaged poisons? Or, are you just the proverbial frog in the boiling pot?
Westminster recently announced a meeting for the Parent Alliance for Anti-Racist Action. One of the meeting’s requirements is that attendees “identify” as white. What would have years ago been immediately mocked as a racist idea has been successfully mainstreamed. This is an alarming sign that some in our community are in fact, without at all realizing itI, warming to the slow creep of Marxism.
Some of you will read our opposition to be anti-blackness. For others our opposition signals fear or “white fragility.” However, our objections come from faith and reason. Antiracism is antithetical to Christian faith and principles of reason. We’ll explain that in this post.
Antiracism is the latest effort to force all Americans–including Westminster’s community– into a modern Marxist revolution. Long ago, Marxists realized that the worker revolution wasn’t going to transform America the way they’d envisioned. They decided to use race to accomplish what the labor movement did not. Stoking racial discontent and capitalizing on the chaos of George Floyd’s death, the antiracist agitators have successfully duped many into unwittingly joining the Marxist revolution, which at its heart, is about class warfare, not race.
The peddlers of anti-racism hold views so extreme that one must wonder at the ignorance of those promoting this at Westminster, particularly those using “Christian” terminology to justify a movement stalking American institutions to racialize and radicalize every every aspect of life.
First, a little history. The anti-racist movement is a Marxist and Critical Race Theory “religion” built on the liberation movements of the early 1900’s. In fact, the radical movements that led to anti-racism found their inspiration in Stalin, Lenin and Mao. W.E.B. Dubois was famously impressed by Mao and Stalin, who were, along with Lenin, venerated by Black Panthers. Reading and studying Lenin and Stalin was a core requirement for members of the Black Panther party. Click here to read about the Webinar Leader who is sympathetic to this movement.
Activists did not care that the these dictators had murdered their own citizens in ruthless campaigns. Legitimate black longings for equal treatment created an opportunity for the anti-American radicals who sought not just black liberation, but a Communist utopia. Race was just a useful means of creating the divisions that Marxist revolution requires. The world’s cruel despots were happy to stoke the fires of Communism in the America they envied and despised.

A 1972 poster announces an event with Communist Party candidates, featuring Angela Davis
Now even the Westminster has a history teacher who is proud of his association with Black Panther and Communist Angela Davis. The hypocrisy of “tolerance” here is obvious, and ideas do have consequences. What if a teacher admired an aging Klan member. Would that be acceptable? Of course not. Does Westminster therefore, in hiring a Black Panther admirer, now approve of Communism?
Moving to more recent antiracist figures, Ibram X Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist is one of Westminster’s recommended books. It has been featured on a bulletin board, with parents and students alike encouraged to read it.
How many parents are aware of Kendi’s recommendation that our country establish a “Department of Anti-Racism” to monitor its citizens for anti-racism crimes? How many parents are aware of his suggestion that we add an amendment to the Constitution to establish and permanently fund a department to monitor and prosecute private and public “suspected” instances of racism–a department run only by “trained antiracists”?
Yet, despite his documented history of radical suggestions, Westminster celebrates the author, and in so doing, also promotes his ideas. Westminster nods along with Ibram X Kendi’s Stalinist and unconstitutional idea for a surveillance state. It is unfazed by his rejection of America’s founding principles. Is Westminster prepared to affirm Kendi’s ideas for a Department of Anti-Racism? Westminster cannot disavow any of the lunacy he proposes, for it would risk offending the anti-racism zealots
The Antiracism movement is no more virtuous than its Communist predecessors. Like the Black Panther and Black Lives Matter movements, It seized a cultural moment to push a far more radical agenda that goes well beyond race. It works to destroy American institutions and norms–the nuclear family, gender, merit, capitalism, and faith.

From the Stanford University archives: Black Panthers discuss Chairman Mao’s little red book.
Simply put: Our Objections to Anti-Racism
Antiracism is a resurrected Marxism. It manipulates people through propaganda and groupthink, just as history’a villains– Stalin, Lenin, and Mao– did in the name of “”solidarity.”
Antiracism offers simplistic explanations for race disparities. It fails to account for the complexity or diversity of thought and behavior among both black and white people.
Antiracism uses racism to extort people, knowing that most people will agree to the radical platform because they are scared of being called “racist”. Even blacks who do not comply are accused of supporting “white supremacy.”
Antiracism places everyone in a false and illogical dichotomy, a gross misrepresentation of reality. It paints with a broad brush in order to bring a larger number of people into its radical tent.
Antiracism casts suspicion on our relationships. We refuse to participate in accusations that places collective guilt and on entire race of people and requires acts of penance, also known as “doing the work,” to satisfy the Marxist thought police. It is laughably simplistic to approach real (or invented) problems this way.
Antiracism never has no concrete or productive goal in mind. It traps people in a perpetually agitated state of offense and activism. Wealthy elite activists keep the flame burning for the antiracism movement.
Antiracism solves no real problems. It doesn’t earn respect for blacks. It doesn’t solve the epidemic of fatherlessness in low-income urban environments. It doesn’t encourage wise choices, and it predicts failure–a terrible formula for people of any race.
Antiracism diminishes the genuine merit and achievement of successful blacks by seeing life as a “rigged” game rooted in white supremacy or internalized racism.
Antiracism denies the redemptive truth of the real Gospel and saddles people with a hopeless burden. It includes the following unbiblical, false teachings:
that certain people are more sinful and guilty than others;
that certain behaviors are forms of “whiteness” and therefore require repentance, even though there is no biblical definition of such sin
that the Holy Spirit cannot convict people of sin; instead, a panel of antiracists experts must convict people of sin
that woke priests must extract legalistic acts of penance from white people.
Antiracism ignores spiritual realities, so it is incapable of producing any productive or God-honoring transformation. Yet, its cult-like demands dupe white people into feeling like they are “doing the work” to atone for their “collective” guilt.
Antiracism is unbiblical and legalistic. It celebrates condemnation (Romans 8:1) and encourages partiality (Deuteronomy 1:17 Leviticus 19:15; I Tim. 5:21) in the service of a system of works-based, manmade righteousness.
“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.”
Leviticus 19:15“I charge you, in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and to do nothing out of favoritism.”
I Timothy 5:21
What scripture affirms that the sin of partiality is good? What scripture affirms legalism? Does God lie? These questions must be asked of those who claim that antiracism and its DEI weaponry is aligned with biblical truth.
In the end, a generation of Americans, including those of us in the school community, must choose whether or not it will bend the knee to a race revolution designed to destroy and transform America itself.